Friday, November 20, 2020

30 Days of Thanks: November 20, 2020

Sometimes it's the little things for which I am most grateful. Today it was the combination of those, from B trying to cook egg in a basket herself and coming up in tears because they didn't come out "right" to a goodnight hug from D, and the text from a friend. Those little things cumulate into bigger things, spreading the love and the light, helping me find my light. The moments that remind you that you matter, you're needed, wanted and loved. 

Society wants to tell us to only appreciate the grand gestures, but life is not black-tie affair. Life is leggings and jeans and leotards and pjs, with messy hair, smelly feet and morning breath. A cup of coffee, a bite of their favorite food, a piece of toast brought up- these things make the lasting impact. While I fondly remember the surprise breakfast in bed my children cooked me this year for my birthday, I also love the random lunches or breakfasts they made for absolutely no reason at all. I will cherish those as much, and sometimes more than the larger. The surprise postcard or letter that I can re-read at leisure is sweeter than the email, and it's tangible, touchable too. Sweetness, light, and love and spread through the little gestures; it is these that keep the glow, not the bright and hot flash or grandness.

While I do appreciate grandness, I also appreciate simplicity, and today I am thankful for simplicity. A night of homemade pizza, Friends reruns and snuggles on the couch. As the end of the month closes in and Christmas season approaches I appreciate the simplicity in the moments and am thankful for them.

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