Friday, November 13, 2020

30 Days of Thanks: November 13, 2020

Do you have a passion project?

I do. In January I joined the American Perimeter Trail Project, a leap of faith on my part. I took on the self-proclaimed role of coordinator I had no idea what exactly I would be doing, but I knew in my heart, in my body, that it was what I meant to do. Shortly after beginning my role I found myself wrapped up in this project in ways I could have never imagined. What began as a simple way to help someone else complete a crazy dream, quickly became my passion project as well. Over the past 10.5 months of being intimately involved with this I have found my footing, my stability and a beautiful community that feeds my heart.

I have watched this community step up, every single time we have needed them. From purchasing food, supplies, sending money, providing lodging and transportation, this community has become a family. I have never witnessed something quite like what they have done, many of them pouring out generosity for a total stranger, entrusting me with supplies to keep Rue hiking and safe. For months there were packages delivered to me for him, each box containing a bit of magic, a lot of love and reminding me what it's like to be a kid on Christmas morning. I opened each box, never knowing what it might contain, often holding back tears of gratitude. How beautiful is their love for him, for the project. I often struggle to adequately describe the impact this passion project has had not only on me, but my children as well.

I never imagined that they would participate in the way that they have, nor find the love for it that I have. What a gift I have been given. There is a complicated series of events that led me to this project, ones that were incredibly painful and ones that were full of beauty. As I experienced each one, especially the painful ones I had no idea that I would be where I am now. If you had told me a year ago I'd have large tubs of food and supplies for a hiker in Oregon taking up my garage I'd have laughed. If you had told me that I would find my feet, my grounding, my place, in a community that I helped grow, and along the way my best friend I would have shook my head at you and said that you must have me confused with someone else. 

My passion project is a blessing, something I give thanks for every night. I am thankful for the path that lead me here and the courage I had to say yes. I said yes, jumping fully into the unknown, and I thank God daily for that. Today is no exception, and while I am in the midst of a painful experience I am trying to reflect that often these experiences lead to beautiful opportunities. I am thankful, grateful, and blessed to have this project, this community and these experiences. They are a light, and they help me be a light.

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