Sunday, November 17, 2019

30 Days of Thanks: Day 17

Sometimes things just fall into place. I am incredibly thankful for the little community in which I have placed myself. I'm not speaking of the physical community, but of my friends. They have rallied so that I can go help a friend of mine. Within an hour of my decision to take this cross country trip I had my kids taken care of between my parents and their dad, my shift at the gym covered and a place to crash at my destination, and airfare well within my budget.

The love in the community and network that I have is amazing. These are the people that I have chosen to support me and when they support me I can support others. I am so thankful for their generosity and support. It means a lot to me and my friend.

Not only does it mean that I can support my friend, but it teaches my children a valuable lesson. We had a discussion tonight after dinner about friendship and what it means and how we need to support our friends. My children have this opportunity to see me doing what I am able to do to help my friend AND see what our network is able to do, so that it can be accomplished. It was just earlier today that we had a quick chat about the golden rule and living your life by it; this is my chance to demonstrate a bit of that to them.

I am so thankful to my network.

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