Friday, November 15, 2019

30 Days of Thanks: Day 15, Happy Birthday Mom

As I sit every year on November 15th I am incredibly thankful for my mother. There are not enough words to describe how much she means to me and how much she does for my family. This woman has a quiet strength. You may not notice her behind my boisterous father, but she is the glue; the one who packed the boxes and the trucks and unpacked the boxes what seems like thirteen thousand times for each of my childhood moves.

She was the one who baked my birthday cakes, cookies and taught me to cook. She taught me to sew, to laugh and always told me to reach for more. She was the rock in our family when everything was upside-down from yet another move. She's there for my kids, to include putting them on the bus 4 mornings a week so I can get to work on time. She's there on days off and nights if I need/want to go out when I have my kiddos. Just a quick phone call and she'll be here.

Once when Ben was really sick she dropped everything and drove down 4 hours to stay with the kids so I could take him to the hospital. Or there was the time days after D was born that she crossed paths with Ben in the airport, coming to take care of me and 2 kids, while Ben flew home to be with his grieving family. I don't know a lot of other moms that do all the things that she has done for me and my family. I consider myself, and my kids, extremely blessed to have her in our lives.

Love you Mom.

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