Monday, December 30, 2019

Magic and Growth

2019 taught me a lot of things. I know it was a rough year for many, and I'll be the first to admit that there have been some rough patches, but overall this year was filled with magic and growth. I ended 2018 not knowing what the following year would bring. I was looking forward to new adventures, leaving behind old pieces of me and my former life. 2018 had brought forth a lot of its own change and growth, but it was painful, so incredibly painful. The magic and growth of 2019 has not had the depth of pain of previous years, for which I am grateful.

This year I learned to take time for myself; to truly take time for myself. My running and training of the past years I used to consider as "me" time, and while it was time for me and recharged me, it was also an escape, leaving me physically exhausted and not healing on a deeper level. In 2019 I learned to take days off just for me. In the past my time off from work was for sick time or preparing for parties, or running errands, almost never just for me. My days off this year were necessary for healing, growth and discernment, as well as adventure. I took days off this year to backpack, attend a destination wedding, see my dear friend in Vermont and a day to relax and enjoy a nice hotel room with an in-suite jacuzzi.

I learned to take these days guilt free. Everyone needs time off, away from the chaos and demands of our lives, a chance to find our true self. On some of these days I was lucky enough to spend some of the time with a partner who supported me and loved me. I found magic in these days off that was able to carryover into my reality, and in these it propelled me forward. Not all growth is painful was a powerful lesson learned upon the journey of 2019.

I welcomed in 2019 with an unexpected relationship that taught me so many things, as well as helped me discover parts of me that had been hiding. I am dreaming again and setting new big goals. Goals and dreams that others will not understand, but that I hope will support. There's magic in a relationship and connection where you are recognized for you. As a person that has multiple roles, the core of me often gets lost among those roles: mom, coach, PT, analyst; and it was in this connection that I have been able to strengthen my core self.

Magic and growth have been at the heart of 2019. With the gifts that 2019 has brought I look forward to the adventures awaiting in 2020.

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