Friday, May 20, 2011

Welcome to the craziness

Welcome all the to the crazy world that is my life. My hubby and I hear all the time "how do you do it?", so this blog is for you. I'll give you a little background information on myself and my family for the next few posts.

Me.... where to begin? I'm an only child to two wonderful and loving parents who always wanted more than just me. That being said I helped them out a bit by giving them 4 beautiful grandkids. Don't ask where I'm from, that question confuses me. Do you mean where was I born? Where did I grow-up? I was born in the midwest and moved a lot as a child. I thought it was perfectly normal to move every few years (and no, I'm not a military brat), but all-in-all it had made me who I am today and I thank my parents for the experiences they gave me living in different states and regions.

By professional occupation I am pediatric physical therapist, though I am not practicing at the moment. For the past 5+ years I have been pursuing my PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences with a focus on pediatric physical therapy. I love working with kids and I love research, I only hope that when I finish this PhD journey I can find a job that lets me work with kids and do research (crazy I know). It has been my goal and dream since I began college to earn my PhD and Lord help me, but I will finish in 2012.

My PhD journey began with looking at programs and I settled on a wonderful program that I felt suited me. When I started this journey I had been married 3 years and had 2 cats, no kids. When we moved here I was pregnant with #1. Well here we are 4 years later and I now have 4 (yes four!) kids. Baby #1 was born in 01/2007 (girl), #2 07/2008 (boy), #3 09/2009 (boy) and #4 01/2011(girl). Yes my kids are really close, and yes I was pregnant for about 4 years straight, but I love my kids and they are worth it. They may drive my completely crazy some days, but many times they are my light when this journey really brings me down.