Sunday, March 24, 2019

Doers and Dreamers

The other day I spotted a shirt that said to surround yourself with the doers and dreamers. There was a lot more on that shirt that I didn't have time to read, but that sentence alone was enough to strike me. I have always put a lot in store by people's words and actions, even more so in their actions over the past 3 years. If you're not actually going to show up when I need you, or when you said, I don't need you in my world.

Maybe that sounds harsh, but my time, energy and love is too precious to spread it to those who aren't going to appreciate it, and in turn appreciate me. I am lucky enough at this moment to be surrounded with people who are doers. I have a small group of friends that I know will show up for me when I need it. Whether that be emotionally when I'm having a rough time, helping me with a project, running an errand for me or just coming to spend time with me. They are a busy bunch, but they will make the time for me, and that makes my heart happy. I could elaborate more, but it's enough to say that I love my group of doers. These special people not only show up for me, but they are doers for others (human and animal). What amazing hearts they all have; in their doing they spread joy, happiness, and love.

I think the amazing thing about my group is that they are not only doers, but they are dreamers too. We are an odd little bunch, and most of them don't know each other, but the great thing is that I can tell you the big crazy dreams of each of them. I find myself gravitating more and more to these people. They are my tribe, and they remind me of the crazy goals and dreams I used to relentlessly pursue. Slowly I find myself dreaming again, the magic has begun that will lead to adventures in 2019 and beyond. This is the legacy that I wish to leave.

It's the doers and dreamers that make our world beautiful. I can only hope to have a small impact as one. I want to share the light, joy, love, and happiness that they bring to me with all of you. The interesting thing is that I know my doers and dreamers bring this beauty to our world, but I still find myself at times hesitant to seek them out. It's not a from a fear of being found wanting, but of being open and vulnerable enough to tell them what I need. There's a special strength in being vulnerable, but it doesn't always jive with being a doer. And given that I've been more of a doer than a dreamer these past few years, it's something that I have to embrace to get my dreams. I work on it daily.

So I ask you this:
  • Is your world filled with doers and dreamers?
  • Do you find yourself lighter and happier after your time with them?
  • Do they inspire you? 
If your tribe doesn't bring you light, laughter, love and joy to your true self you should examine it and yourself. Change your support environment and change your world. Build a new connection, bring in the magic, and attract what makes you truly happy. I could grow my circle larger with more doers and dreamers, but I am happy with it now. To my doers and dreamers, you are my world, my inspiration and bring me great joy.

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