Thursday, December 31, 2020

Goodbye 2020

I know that this year has presented all of us with significant challenges and there are many who would care to forget this year, and walk into 2021 to never speak of 2020 again, yet I am not one of those people. While this year has presented situations that I would care not to repeat, there have been exceptional moments as well. This year has challenged me in unexpected ways and I love the person that I am becoming from the growth this year.

I started this year alone, standing at the top of a mountain watching the first rays of the sun strike and color the land. It was cold, it was peaceful, and it was beautiful. I began my year of with trips planned and adventure in my heart. How was I to know that the adventure would not be what I imagined, yet an adventure it would be. Only a few short days into 2020 I had a phone call and conversation that has altered my entire life. 2020 has brought me to Rue McKenrick and the American Perimeter Trail. In that single phone call and the few that occurred over those next few weeks I rapidly found myself engaged into some amazing and unique, a passion project that is quickly evolving into a life change. Rue and I forged a friendship and bond through our work, quickly transitioning from business partners to best friends. There is not enough I can say about this man, my best friend, and it is thanks to 2020 that I have him in my life, in my children's lives. We have walked through significant trials over the past 12 months, challenging each other, challenging our beliefs, emotions and so much more. I marvel at how much we have both changed, and in many ways, outgrown our current situations. The coming year and future has much in store for us and the trail organization.

While the trail and Rue have occupied a significant amount of my time, the year has also brought me stronger friendships with some, some have faded, and new ones have entered. What a blessing to be brought 2 new friends that listen, support, and guide. These 2 individuals may not quite understand the impact that they have had on my life this year, but they have, even if it has been quietly in the background. I have struggled for years watching the large groups of friends and wishing I was a piece of them, but 2020 has brought me peace with my unconventional group of friends. Most of my close friends are not local to me, but spread across the country, and I have finally found peace and acceptance with this difference. Another gift of 2020 that I choose not to return.

2020 has brought significant time with children, rough times, fun times, chaos, but most of all LOVE. Our little family of 5 has become an even more solid unit and I have watched each blossom into their roles, beings and step into themselves. Everyday I witness a little bit more of them growing and changing and I am thankful for these opportunities that 2020 has brought. I wish I could say that I am a more patient mother, but I am not. I am more aware of them and their needs though, and how to assist them in navigating this ever changing situation.

As we celebrate the close of 2020 tonight I am thankful and blessed for all the people that I met this year, from those that have hiked with me, to those that chose to walk/drift away, and those that entered my life shining with love. My word for this year was adventure and adventure I have had. Blessed be 2020.

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